Why take a flight in May

Once May rolls around, you finally get a sneak peek at the hotter months ahead. Itā€™s not quite summer yet, but the temperatures are rising and the sun is shining. If youā€™re lucky, there are no more signs of snowfall and you can go full speed ahead into the summertime vibes. School will let out soon and everyoneā€™s going to rush away on vacation, so why not beat them to it? When you take advantage of our cheap flights in May, youā€™ll score excellent discounts, while enjoying lighter crowds and shorter lines at your favorite attractions.

Great flight deals in May. At Expedia.com, weā€™re here to hook you up with airfare that wonā€™t shock your wallet, allowing you to relish in a much-needed vacation, without stressing over your finances. Check out our selection of flights and discover some of the cheapest days to fly in May. Maybe youā€™re looking to travel halfway across the globe or escape just a few hours away. Regardless of your grand plans, youā€™re sure to find rates thatā€™ll keep you smiling. This May, browse through our varied flights, scoop up some awesome deals, and start packing your bags for your next big trip.

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Sample prices reflect the lowest fares on Expedia found by our customers over the last 48 hours and are quoted for one adult and include taxes for round trip economy/coach class travel. Prices do not include additional baggage fees that may be charged by the applicable airline. Actual price may vary based on time/date of search, booking date, travel dates, origin, and destination. Fares and rules are subject to change without notice. Seats are limited and may not be available on all flights/dates. Lower fares on other airlines may be available to selected destinations. Tickets may be non-transferable and non-refundable. Read the complete penalty rules for changes and cancellations applicable to the fare you're considering booking.